Sunday, February 11, 2018

Fight Art Theft -- Indie artist Holly MacLean and "transparency" from Amazon

So Amazon is trying for "transparency????"

read the link for indie artist cautionary tale

"In January, Holly MacLean got an invite from Amazon to join a stealthy anti-counterfeit program for sellers. The service, called Transparency, aims to bring in 1,000 brands this year to test new technology designed to help clean up Amazon's sprawling and chaotic marketplace.
Unlike Amazon's own e-commerce business, which the company controls completely, the Amazon Marketplace features millions of independent sellers across the globe listing hundreds of millions of items. Launched in 2000 after several early attempts to create third-party services, it has become an increasingly important part of Amazon's business, and now accounts for over half the company's e-commerce volume. Rapid expansion has forced Amazon to deal with a surge in counterfeits and unauthorized selling.
That said, MacLean felt she was a very odd choice to help Amazon impose more order. Her company has been crushed by impostors on Amazon — and she blames the tech giant for being unable or unwilling to stop it."

Many previous posts here on the blog on Copyright for Indie Artists and how to Combat Art Theft. Here are some links:

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