Saturday, August 22, 2015

Signed copies of Art of Inside Out -- both directors, 8 artists, SNB exclusive

Stuart has just returned from Pixar studios, where he was able to coordinate with Pixar artists and team to get signed copies of this current release "art of ... " book. Like other indie booksellers, we have to find ways to hold our own against "loss leader" discounts of the soulless empire Amazon. 

Thanks to the support of our artist friends... Stuart is able to offer in-print titles that our patrons want.. plus add unique value. Help us help you....there are so many benefits when you choose to buy independent. 

More on these signed copies here:

So much goes on behind the scenes to bring the array of titles on the SNB website and in the store. Very little of Stuart's stock is carried by major distributors. Stuart's contacts, his "eye" for what artists need, and his own "boots on the ground" travels: these are ways books end up in the SNB inventory. 

For the rare times that Stuart can just place an order with a publisher or distributor for an in-print title, he is also taking a risk with his limited budget for new inventory. In print titles are widely available. To provide these books for our patrons, we have to do it with confidence that we can offer unique benefits. Signed copies of in-print books seem to be a good fit for our customers. Titles like this typically sell-out .. but then allow Stuart to go after other inventory that is more complicated to acquire.

When you choose to buy independent.. you are investing in that resource. Thank you for your support...

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