Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Comic Con 2015 -- Cosplay

Post 5 of 7
SDCC is a playground for Cosplay. You have to always have your camera with you.... there's no telling who you might see next .. and chances are that will be the only time you see them during the show. If you need something more predictable .. there are organized Cosplay gatherings... and the big Masquerade contest on Saturday night. I really enjoy the random surprise sightings while I'm running around with other business/errands at the con. Comic Con is at its best when you get to see little kids so excited to see their favorite characters. I really adore the Cosplay community for bringing those magical moments to the party!

Okay... this first photo is a statue, not a costume.. but I have to include Catwoman :)

 Lots of Mad Max:Fury Road groups at this year's con..

 Some costumes are so complicated .. these folks usually have handler/helpers near by.

 Some of the characters I'm not really sure if they are just random costumes .. or more likely they are popular characters that just aren't on my radar. But everyone loves donuts!
Lots of Lokis .. gals and guys...

 This fun Thor had his own Lo-Kitty...
Tony Stark/Ironman was really charming with kids...

 Three pastel-hued gals as "Charlie's Wookies"
 Sailor Moon and friends in a lunch line..
 Creative points for this original character..
 "Photo Bomb"...
Love the Mash-ups. Here's a quick candid of Steampunk Batman...
 Several Groots this year.

This very tall and elaborate one in the lobby was especially impressive..

 Everybody knows Batman..
But I wasn't quite sure who this colorful crew was supposed to be...
 They had tails...
Candids and action shots...
 Captn. America tries out a Batsuit...
 Wookie on walkabout..

Kids and Cosplayers .... so much FUN!!!

Where else but Comic Con do you get to ride the escalator behind Space Ghost???

Saw several takes on brand new Pixar film Inside Out ... from "Imaginary Boyfriend" with his "I would Die for Riley" sign..

Two different Joys...

and a Joy with Sadness
The classic characters are always a hit...

 Something new popped up in the main lobby...

 The Sharknado crew blew right by me...

You probably don't imagine Bane as a baby sitter.... he was on his cell phone when I took this photo. Sort of the level of baby sitting one might expect from Bane :)
Not exactly Cosplayers ... but a favorite attraction at Comic Con is an appearance in the autograph area by sisters Hilly and Hannah Hindi of the Hillywood Show. They are You Tube sensations, famous for their dance and music-filled parodies of film and TV. This year they appeared in costume from their hit parody of Supernatural. See more parodies (Twilight, Hunger Games, Walking Dead, etc) on their website http://www.thehillywoodshow.com/
Comic Con and Cosplay have become so main stream. Some of the best photo coverage of Cosplay from this year's con can be found on this link from ... wait for it .. Business Insider! http://www.businessinsider.com/san-diego-comic-con-cosplay-best-costumes-sdcc-2015-7?op=1

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