Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Interview links with gal artists -- Marguerite Sauvage and Natalie Naurigat -- info on GeekyCon (updated 12.23.20)

It's a happy day in BTS world when not one.. but TWO .. links arrive on my radar for great interviews with women artists in comics!

Okay.. this shouldn't be a big deal .. but tiny hedgehog here celebrates all victories large and small.

First up .. artist Marguerite Sauvage for her work on DC Comics Bombshells.
(UPDATE 12.23.20) link for this 2017 article in Newsarama is no longer active... but I'm leaving the quote here)

Quote from the interview:
"I didn't want them to look like super-sexy pin-ups in their everyday life, but rather like the warriors and heroes they are, fighting with their everyday thoughts and concerns, reflecting more and more the serious and intense heaviness of the World War II conflict," Sauvage said.

And via another great gal-driven project... Madeleine Holly-Rosing's steampunk comic Boston Metaphysical Society...
UPDATE 7.9.16
More on Madeleine and her latest books in this Author Spotlight on the Book Lemur page

Madeleine's facebook page shared this link for interview with cartoonist Natalie Naurigat...from the "Hire This Woman" feature on Comics Alliance...

from the intro...Hire This Woman is a recurring feature on ComicsAlliance that shines a spotlight on female comics creators, whether they’re relative newcomers or experienced pros who are ready to break out. In an overwhelmingly male business, we want to draw your attention to these creators — and to raise their profile with editors and industry gatekeepers.
Busy cartoonist Natalie Nourigat has worked on DeadpoolBee & PuppyCatIt Girl & the Atomics, and many of her own projects including the webcomic Home Is Where The Internet Is. She’s also worked as a storyboard and commercial artist. She’s currently working on a graphic novel for Oni Press called Over the Surface.

Here is the link:

Amy Commentary...
Comics is not the only area where the contributions by any-other-than-white-guys are under served. Panel I attended at SDCC covered some of this .. and the impact of social media .. like this blog you are reading now.. in giving a voice to an always present... but previously voiceless.. market segment.

Would be interesting to attend GeekyCon ... comic convention from a refreshing gal-powered POV..
Interview with founder Melissa Anelli in this Buzzfeed post.

GeekyCon website...

Recent post on Facebook page for National Women's History Museum (Note the comment about CAVE PAINTING !!! This book is from the 1970s.. and we've made tiny steps since then, but still long way to go...)  ...

#DidYouKnow that in the 1970s, Margaret Conkey (pictured), Joan Gero, and Janet Spector revolutionized American archaeological theory? They argued that current theories projected modern Western gender roles onto past cultures where they may not have existed. By attributing things like tool-making and cave painting solely to men based on no archaeological or anthropological evidence, they pointed out, archaeologists were breaking the cardinal role of archaeology and anthropology: that different cultures must be understood within their own context only. The theory, referred to as feminist archaeology or more broadly as gender archaeology, is still used today. (Pictured: Margaret Conkey & a book she co-wrote with Joan Gero: Engendering Archaelogy)

link for book:,subjectCd-GE10.html

And it's not just in the arts.... Gender bias is robbing us of talent in STEM fields too. 

From article by Rachel Thomas on website

When researcher Kieran Snyder interviewed 716 women who left tech after an average tenure of 7 years, almost all of them said they liked the work itself, but cited discriminatory environments as their main reason for leaving. In NSF-funded research, Nadya Fouad surveyed 5,300 women who had earned engineering degrees (of all types) over the last 50 years, and only 38% of them are still working as engineers. Souyad summarized her findings on why they leave with “It’s the climate, stupid!”

On the watch... always .... because we are stronger together.. as equals..not objects...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Stuart's selections from SDCC now on SNB website

Stuart selected over 70 books from leading artists at San Diego Comic Con. A live-link list is now on the Stuart Ng Books website homepage

Each title on the list is a  LINK to the book with images and more info
Stuart is the preferred retail/mail order option for many artists who exhibit at SDCC and other conventions, but don't wish to fulfill mail orders or run their own online store.
Since Stuart works directly with the artists he is able to be a unique resource. Yes -- he sells books, but what Stuart really does is a service industry --- connecting artists and fans. He provides sought-after sketchbooks and convention items at fair prices --- both what he is able to pay to the creators and offer to the collectors.

Stuart's site is an alternative to the frenzied on-line auctions that happen when sketchbooks can't meet demand, often due to fans and collectors not being able to get convention tickets etc. Sadly, artists don't see any of that inflated, after-market price for their work. That's why many artists tell their fans: I sell directly to Stuart and you can get my books on his website. (Also.. FYI... when Stuart knows an artist is exhibiting at a convention and selling their own books at their booth or table, Stuart purposefully does NOT stock those books at his booth and instead directs customers to the artist).

Stuart Ng Books ships worldwide. with a reputation for meticulous care in packing and a convenient way to pay and track orders via his online store. These benefits have helped Stuart Ng Books earn the motto "The Artists' choice for books on illustration, animation and comic art."

Here are a few of my favorites...
100 Tuesday Tips by Griz and Norm (Griselda Sastrawinata-Lemay and Normand Lemay)
This collection of art tips and techniques is for enthusiasts of drawing, painting, animation, and illustration. It's a way for the authors of this book to revisit the basic foundations of their craft and to share some of the knowledge learned over the years.
100 tips, including 22 new book-exclusive tips.
Normand Lemay and Griselda Sastrawinata-Lemay is a husband and wife team currently working as feature animation artists at the Walt Disney Animation Studio.

Creatures and Spirits -- Bobby Chu and Kei Acedera ..

Creatures and Spirits -- Bobby Chu and Kei Acedera ..

A new collection of paintings and drawings by Bobby Chiu and Kei Acedera.
Bobby & Kei created an exclusive illustrated bookplate for us to offer with this book! It is signed by both Bobby & Kei.
From the introduction:
In the summer of 2013, Bobby and Kei took a chance, cleared their schedules and decided to take a month break in one of their favorite cities, Paris.
While working for the entertainment industry is fun and exciting, it is also important to make time for personal art, and make art just like when you were kids- for the pure fun of it.
This book is a collection of the art they created during their stay.

Acquerell III by Alina Chau

HARPY GEE by Brianne Druhard    SNB Copies are signed.. With a drawing!

Brianne's web comic collected into a 138-page graphic novel.
An Elf, a Witch, a Knight, a Prince, and an Item Shop!
Adventures, potatoes, and a magical cat that barfs weapons!!! 
and a PRINT!!!

Nancy Drew Papercutz 10th Anniversary print .. art by Stephanie Buscema

The list is still being updated .. more great finds arriving!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Next Great Copyright Act -- UPDATED 7/27 with CCC link and commentary

UPDATE 7/27 -- This is the entire July 20th post with links added through 7/26. While the deadline for letters to Copyright Office has passed .. the fight goes on. Inform yourself and share what you learn. The internet needs visual artists .. and sharing of images has become a crucial part of social media. Were are the blanket license agreements for protections, credits and compensation for visual artists???

ARTISTS -- be proactive about your rights!

Lots of links about this issue making the rounds LEARN MORE and ACT NOW!!! Letter deadline is July 23. Copyright office is ASKING TO HEAR FROM ARTISTS. Use your voice!

Here is a video that is an over hour-long Will Terry podcast ... where illustrator Brad Holland explains the history and impact of the copyright law proposal..... "Eveything You Know about Copyright Law is About to Change"

Do you know what the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) is??? This private entity is collecting blanket license fees for use of copyrighted material for the benefit of songwriters, authors and publishers. Why not visual artist??? Watch this and learn....

Summary below from Facebook link to Illustrators Partnership

Artists Alert: From the Illustrators Partnership 

The Return of Orphan Works
Part 1: "The Next Great Copyright Act" 

JULY 1, 2015 
For more than a year Congress has been holding hearings for the drafting of a brand new US Copyright Act. At its heart is the return of Orphan Works. 
Twice, Orphan Works Acts have failed to pass Congress because of strong opposition from visual artists, spearheaded by the Illustrators Partnership.
Because of this, the Copyright Office has now issued a special call for letters regarding the role of visual art in the coming legislation. 

Included bullet points for NGCA

Here are the Basic Facts
"The Next Great Copyright Act" would replace all existing copyright law.
It would void our Constitutional right to the exclusive control of our work.
It would "privilege" the public's right to use our work.
It would "pressure" you to register your work with commercial registries.
It would "orphan" unregistered work. 
It would make orphaned work available for commercial infringement by "good faith" infringers.
It would allow others to alter your work and copyright these "derivative works" in their own names. 
It would affect all visual art: drawings, paintings, sketches, photos, etc.; past, present and future; published and unpublished; domestic and foreign

Here is link direct to page to submit your letter via email:

Artists Brad Holland and Will Terry have been trying to alert and educate fellow artists.

Here are some links that have shown up on my radar...

Illustrators Partnership Orphan Works Blog ..With letter link and tips on letter writing

American Society of Illustrators Partnership blog post w/ link to video and sample letters:

Website for Illustrators Partnership of America..

Illustrators Partnership of America on Vimeo (from 2013? .. shows video of SBA roundtable on Orphan Works act referenced in the video link above...)

From Brad Holland's Blog ...

Digital Doodles  Tumblr post with more info and links:

SBA (Small Business Administration) Blog post on Small Business Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks

SBA article on Intellectual Property Law (with links)

Copyright Clearance Center website ..
Just a reminder.. CCC is NOT the same as the US Copyright office. CCC is a private company!

AMY COMMENTARY: Did you know...  for video clips on Buzzfeed .. Buzzfeed sends creators a blanket release form for permission to use the creators video without compensation. This is another example of pre-existing blanket releases that allow sharing ... benefit and protect companies .. and give nothing to the creators/copyright holders. If blanket releases exist for sharing video clips ... and blanket license forms exist that protect songwriters, authors, publishers and universities.. clearly there are ways to find, track and compensate for all this sharing. Where is the blanket license form for visual artists????

Newsletter alert from Guild of Natural Scienct Illustrators (GNSI)...

Your Copyright is in Danger

It is important that if you ever expect to reuse your copyrighted work as a way to make a living that you respond to this Notice. The Copyright Office has explicity asked for artist's comments on the proposed changes. But time is short. If you have not seen previous notices on this action, now is the time to write.
The Congressional machinery is at it again after a 8 year hiatus. The Copyright office is drafting a new Copyright Act. A major part of this revision is designed to break loose the use of your copyrighted art. Large internet firms and lawyers devoted to free culture on the internet are pushing this. Members of the Guild are writing letters. We need you to write one as well.
The Guild of Natural Science Illustrators is a member of the American Society of Illustrators Partnership, and is supporting the efforts to inform lawmakers about the damage that can be done to artist's ability to conduct successful businesses.


I was tagged for a thread on this topic, which included the two links below urging folks not to panic. 

This is the wonder of the internet .. lots of info out there.. and it comes at you quickly. Read up. Get informed. Look for transparent sources. Learn and SHARE...

Here's my commentary  .... consider the source when reading pro and con arguments.  I find it most interesting to try to follow the money. It's nearly impossible when it comes to images on the internet.  There is legal precedent for "sharing" creative works like written articles and music --- It's "okay" to photocopy that article and distribute it for reading material in a class BECAUSE there was that Kinko's lawsuit that ended up with a way for MONEY to be made and distributed from this kind of use of copyrighted material. The agreement was between PUBLISHERS and the COMPANIES/UNIVERSITIES. We hear songs all the time and in all sorts of places (elevator music anyone) BECAUSE a very strong arrangement (no pun intended) between music agencies and songwriters. Don't kid yourself. Somewhere.. some big company is making money right now from the "fair use" of all those shared pictures we all love. Where's the deal for visual artists who created those images??

From Graphic Policy website:


From Tele-Read Blog:

Orphan works copyright law controversy: Don’t panic!

AND NOW... Brad Holland and Will Terry rebuttal to Graphic Policy post.  In the attack article written by "Brett" (doesn't give his last name) he only attacks the incorrect statements I made - that Brad corrected. He goes on and on about how the video says "it's a bill - don't believe the video it's not a bill" In other words - he ignored all of the accurate information that Brad the expert gave - the entire content of the video - and attacked the guy asking questions and making a few inaccurate statements....that were corrected in the video by the expert...
This quote and more on this link:

Previous post on Copyright Info for Artists .. and case studies on unauthorized use of images on the internet....

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Comic Con 2015 -- Seven Posts, UPDATED 7/25, lots of picks, plus links to articles about SDCC experience

Seven BTS at SNB blog posts for Comic Con 2015 --- collect them all! Con exclusives!

Comic con 2015 -- Stuart Ng Books (#1 of 7)
Comic Con 2015 -- Star Wars and some artists at SDCC (#2 of 7)
Comic Con 2015 -- Toys and Props (#3 of 7)
Comic Con 2015 -- Around the Halls (#4 of 7)
Comic Con 2015 -- Cosplay (#5 of 7)
Comic Con 2015 -- Survival and Essential Breaks .. with Links (#6 of 7)
Comic Con 2015 -- Tour with Marty Mouse (#7 of 7)

UPDATE July 25, 2015
Stuart's 70+ picks of sketchbooks and items directly from artists at SDCC now on the Stuart Ng Books website:
A preview with some of my favorites on the list:

UPDATE July 21, 2015... Here is where I will be posting links to articles about the comic con experience....

From ICv2 ... about them..
ICv2—Staying Ahead of the Trends
For the people on the front lines of the pop culture business, staying ahead of the trends isn’t something that can be left to chance—it’s a basic necessity for being successful. That’s why ICv2 is the #1 source of news and information for the buyers, gatekeepers, and tastemakers on the front lines. ICv2 is where trend-watching has become a science.

here's the article and link:
Column by Rob Salkowitz
Posted by Rob Salkowitz on July 20, 2015

From Los Angeles Times .. Hero Complex's Studio Session: Portraits of Comic Con 2015

From The Wall Street Journal 
"At Comic Con , Fake Lasers and Crossbows are No Joke"

Comic Con 2015 -- Stuart Ng Books

Post 1 of 7
Our 50-foot booth at SDCC starts just as lines on the floor with a perimeter of blue and white drapes on rods. 
Everything else you see in our booth -- the grids, shelves and most of the tables --  and of course the books. Lots of books! ... are brought there by us on a truck and assembled by our crack team of helpers.

The first part of the SNB  team arrives at the loading dock, where we move our boxes and fixtures from the truck to pallets. The pallets are delivered to our booth via forklifts.

Once the pallets are dropped at our booth -- we have to get everything off the pallets ASAP to clear the aisles for the forklift traffic and other exhibitors who are arriving.

We've learned to bring lots of WATER .. as well as snacks and other supplies... to help out our set-up crew.
We arrive on the Monday of Comic Con week. Set-up continues through Wednesday afternoon.

The grids and shelves are put together in a way that Stuart designed over the years...
.. This arrangement of grids and narrow shelves isn't as HEAVY, expensive or hard to move around as traditional bookstore shelving...Below is a view of the booth from the aisle
Here's the interior of the booth in progress,.
This view shows the cashier station with our end-cap that faces out to the center aisle. Usually we reserve the end-cap for signings.Last year, for the Secret of Kells signing, the artists would sit at the end cap table and the line of folks with books to get signed extended down the middle of the center aisle...
Below is the second cashier station .. at the other end of our booth, where we share a wall with another vendor. They have the single end cap at the other end of our row...
This year .. our wonderful team of booth helpers during the show got to wear distinctive athletic wear shirts in SNB goldenrod yellow with our SNB logo on front .. 

and various book cover designs on the back. More on the SNB logo origin here:
Above, two crew members model the "song of the sea" cover versions. You can also see our crew wearing the shirts during set-up...
And on duty during show hours...
These shirts were made by Full Gear .. a custom apparel company and supplier of shirts for sports teams and booster groups. Stuart liked the idea of  introducing this product to our patrons. One way for artists... and small businesses like ours .. to grow is to find ways to diversify their product line.
With Full Gear, artists can put their art on a unique shirt .. or a run of shirts .. with wrap-around, full color designs. Our staff appreciated how comfortable the shirts were! Super breathable and lightweight to wear. There will soon be a micro-site for Full Gear on the SNB website. Meanwhile, more on Full Gear here:.
Below is a shot of the booth -- completely set-up and ready for the con to open!

And here are shots of convention attendees shopping at the booth...

This part of the booth had a row of one of our favorite books....
Stuart designs all the SNB postcards. This years card features our publication of Claire Wendling's Iguana Bay 2.0. Here's the front...
 and back of the card...
 While we have two days to set-up the booth .. when the show closes at 5PM on Sunday, the clock starts ticking for load out. We have to be out of the hall by 11 PM. Many from our set-up crew return at that time to help us box up the stock and take apart all the fixtures...

 We have to load everything on pallets again. Once we load the pallets and shrink wrap them, we can get a number to wait for the forklift to take our pallets to our truck. The pallets stay at the convention center. We get to take everything off the pallets and load it all on to our truck. Once our truck is loaded.. our time at SDCC ends. It's a LONG night! And it comes at the end of a hectic week. We can't thank our crew of helpers enough!!! They are the SNB superheroes!