Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Angouleme 2025 (2 of 5) -- Artists, tents, and treasures...

 Here's Stuart near the Angouleme city center Hotel de Ville...

and in front of a nearby map of the festival..

You can see from this detail that the festival tents are located all over the city. But the main cluster of them are near the Hotel de Ville.

Long lines for those waiting to get in to the New York tent near the Hotel de Ville...

And the main tent with the major publishers... (the waits are mostly due to the bag check required)

"Cosplay" is a con staple in the states, but not that prevalent here. The last few years a few attendees have arrived in character...

One restaurant got in the spirit of the festival with a costumed greeter..

The festival tents are packed with attendees.. exhibitors.. artists and excitement...

The main tent with the major publishers....

We got to see artist friend Pierre Alary, who had long lines for signing copies of his recent "Gone With the Wind" part 2..

SNB sells part 1... and part 2 will be in stock soon


This next tent was called the "Para BD tent" for years... and still has some of the remaining vendors of out of print and niche items like limited run artist edition prints.

It also held the small art show of works offered for a benefit auction...

Here are some views of Stuart scouting the stalls

...and meeting artists...

This year this tent also had unique promotions...
Including one for the annual car race at Angouleme!

The entrance to the New York tent is near the Hotel de Ville and the Cabana restaurant...

Indie publishers have booths inside this tent. One of my favorites is this book by Angouleme based artist/publisher JM Jourdane.

His wonderful art illustrates real-life misadventures of scientists in the field. He published this book in several languages. See more at the Makisapa website: https://makisapa.com/collections/books

Jim did several signings. The long lines prevented me from saying "hi" --- but I did manage a few photos...

The walk between the tents reveals the city's historic architecture juxtaposed by contemporary stores... 

One tent was a virtual reality experience based on the popular "Lucky Luke" comic...

Other discoveries from walking around...

Patient puppers...

a photo op outside a store

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