Sunday, March 9, 2025

Paris 2025 -- our start near Montparnasse

This trip... my first since 2020!!.. was at my pace. Slow and easy. Back in our youth.. Stuart and I would fly into Paris, crash for the night in a cheap hotel, and take the train the next day to Angouleme. It saved money... but these days I'm more careful with the budget for wear and tear on my well-being. My goal was to stay healthy on this trip. With prudent planning, and lots of hard work to manage my diabetes, I not only stayed healthy, I thrived! All that walking is so good for me. And the mild weather helped too. We booked extra days after our arrival in Paris, so I could recover from the jet lag etc. We stayed in a lovely hotel near the Montparnasse train station.

I fell in love with the fabric wallpaper in the elevator.

This room was were we learned you have to keep the key card parked inside a tiny slot near the door to engage the power for the lights in the room! Handy to know for the rest of our hotel stays.

The bathroom had contemporary fixtures and nice amenities .. though big step-in tubs like this (with slippery floors and NO hand rails) can be challenging for the over 60 crowd. 

Oh the humble pie buffet that just keeps getting served once your body starts to age!  It can be good to ask about things like textured floor on tub/shower stall, walk-in access vs step in/over, availability of in-room refrigerators before you make a reservation. Also, for summer-time travelers, I'm told many hotels in Paris still do not have AC in the individual rooms.

We ventured out to enjoy a delicious meal at this Chinese restaurant -- Yummy Noodles. Of course, all the French food is amazing, and I do enjoy it, but I also like to eat at Japanese and Chinese restaurants where I can get lower carb options with whole vegetables (veggies in French food often arrive in a puréed form)

Dinner in France is normally around 8pm.. but our tendency to eat early (and fast) worked to our advantage this night. Most restaurants in Paris are very small, so it's recommended to make a reservation to assure a table. We arrived right when the restaurant opened. The owner warned us she was fully booked for the night (it was Chinese New Year) but we could have a table if we would leave in an hour. No problem for us. The owner brings an iPad when you're seated, to explain the restaurant's VERY SPICY HOT cuisine. I had an outstanding plate of (not spicy) stir-fried prawns with broccoli.. with tiny bits of carrot that tasted so fresh! Indeed all VERY YUMMY! The place was packed when we left, and they were doing a brisk take out business the whole time as well. You can see pics of the menu options here:

If you're not staying in Montparnasse.. it's still easy to reach this area via the Metro..

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