Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Angouleme 2025 (4 of 5) -- around the city

The festival tents are spread out in the city. This encourages even the most ardent attendee to get outside! Wonders await those who wander down narrow roads ...

and discover the rest of this Instagram-ready setting ...

The Angouleme Theatre has a long history. It hosts many screenings and lectures during the festival.

An exhibitor entrance to the New York tent was opposite the theatre.

Another street view of the New York tent

This statue is a local landmark.

 It's at the end of the "New York" tent, which runs along a main street by the Hotel de Ville and the Theatre. 

The views from the statue are dramatic...

The steep walkways remind visitors of the city's history as a fortress..

The Angouleme Museum is a gem. Highlights of the collection include examples from the rich deposits of fossils in nearby districts. As well as important Celtic artifacts from the area.

The museum was sold out for general admission the day I visited this year! There are previous visits on the blog:


This square nearby has the courthouse ...

and a number of restaurants ...

The weather was so mild (for February!) I even saw roses blooming!

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