The New Year is launched .. and after the festivals comes the hard work required to keep resolutions. With so much news in the world that is uncertain ... from the events in Paris to the rounds of layoffs in animation ... artists must always find new inspiration and be brave. Sometimes we are forced to "re-boot" our direction by circumstances. Sometimes we need to refresh our own view of ourselves or our art. Here are some links with some helpful tips.
(Backstage ballet photo below by Benjamin Millepied)
The first link is intended for dancers who wish to audition for a ballet company .. but the advice here is useful for everyone going to an interview or meeting with a colleague or mentor. Use the tips here to help yourself make the most of these encounters.
("modern Degas" photo by Helena Buckler)
You won't get every job you interview for. However, every meeting is a chance to practice your listening skills. Confidence in the process comes with experience. Talent is only one part of the equation. It also takes training. And time....
(Ballerina Irina Dvorovenko..).
The next links concern the story of singer Sarah Horn --
who found herself selected from the audience of a concert at the Hollywood Bowl to perform a duet with her idol, Kristin Chenoweth. This chance encounter became a viral video sensation.
If you haven't seen the duet, here's the version uploaded by rghurst. This combines the original Mike Kestler version (with 3 Million + views) and the close-ups captured by Holly Choe and a 3rd camera person Karolina..It includes Kristen's tribute to teachers at the end of the clip...
A "dream come true" moment .. how did it happen?? Was it just luck.. or fate ... or practice???
Learn the "behind the scenes" story in this link to Sarah Horn's 2014 TED talk on how that moment happened... because in art, and in life, you often have to "be ready".
And here's an interview with Sarah Horn
Make the most of your New Year's hopes. Draw every day. Practice makes things possible...