We finished set-up on Friday and the show opened at noon.

Our front table featured some
new arrivals.In the pic below, on the center of the table, you'll see the CFSL: Cafe Sale Art books, vol 1 (green cover) and vol 2 (orange).
Paris: Ankama, 2007. 1st. Square 4to (11-13"), 258pp, color, pictorial boards. NF (some wear to the oversize vinyl covers, interior VF). Since its inception in 2002, the Cafe Sale website and association has grown to over 15,000 members and become the largest community of French-speaking graphic artists. This is a selection of over 350 digital illustrations by 160 artists; including Arthur De Pins, Bengal, BenGrrr, Bone, Grelin, HK, Hubert de Lartigue, and Kness. Every illustrator is identified with his/her location, email, and website address. Foreword in English, French, Spanish, and Japanese.
Also on this table:
Paris: Delcourt, 2008. 1st. 4to (11-13"), 100pp, color, pictorial boards. VF. An anthology of Dylan songs interpreted by bande dessinee artists: Thierry MURAT, Lorenzo MATTOTTI, Nicolas NEMIRI, François AVRIL, Jean Claude GÖTTING, CHRISTOPHER, BÉZIAN, Dave McKEAN, ALFRED, Gradimir SMUDJA, Jean Philippe BRAMANTI, ZEP, Benjamin FLAO. Song lyrics in French and English.
See more covers and details on the Stuart Ng Books website, New Arrivals page:

On Saturday, we were lucky to have our beloved friend Rae to help out with the cashiering. We call her our "ray of sunshine" as her happy smile is a reminder to all of us that cons are supposed to be fun :)

Inside the booth, you could find more French Albums in flip boxes, each with a marker that described the artist and/or story. On this table you'll see the box for the newest volume in this series:
Silvio Camboni. Filippi, Denis-Pierre.
Paris: Les Humanoides Associes, 2004. 4to (11-13"), 48pp, color, pictorial boards. Fine. "Grégoire is a regular little boy. Yet one night when he couldn’t sleep, he found a medallion which opens the doors of the fantasy medieval world in the Cathedral next door." A bright colorful fantasy. Text in French.

Our front corner featured the Claire Wendling artbooks Drawers 2.0 and Iguana Bay 2.0.
The Toppi artbooks,
Sergio Toppi. BAB EL AHLAM 1932. [SN25563X] $45
St. Egrève: Mosquito, 2002. Small square 4to (9-11"), 128pp, color and b&w, pictorial boards. VF. An excellent collection of Toppi’s work showcasing his extraordinary talent as an illustrator. More than 120 drawings & illustrations in color and in b&w. Examples go as far back as 1957 but the majority are from 1979-2000. Includes a 15pp interview illustrated with pencil drawings. Text in French.
Sergio Toppi . Roux, Jean-Louis. SOUDARDS ET BELLES GARCES. [SN25529X] $50
Paris: Mosquito , 2008. 1st. 4to (11-13"), 176pp, color, pictorial boards. VF. After the success of their first Toppi art book, Bab El Ahlam, 1932, Mosquito provides a new insight into Toppi's oeuvre. Fifty years of a career in the field of illustration has left abundant traces in many newspapers, magazines and books worldwide. The frail and discreet Toppi has never hidden his slightly horrified fascination for the military and soldiery. Gladiators, reîtres, mercenaries and samurai are in the parade in his work, harnessed, barded weapons, axes and swords ready to reduce their congeners lint.In the Milanese master everything is good, everything makes sense and graphics and to make in their own coin to all these thick brutes: women. Its ethereal creatures are hard to cook and it is obvious that the male will not have the beautiful role. Derrière la virtuosité du trait toujours apparait le clin d'oeil ironique de Toppi. Behind the virtuosity of the line still appears the ironic Toppi wink. The writer and poet Jean-Louis Roux commented in the background this magnificent spectacle of violence, fantasy and sensuality. Text in French.
A brand new book by Benjamin, the artist of "Orange":
Benjamin. FLASH. [SN25541X] $60Paris: Xiao Pan , 2008. 4to (11-13"), 160pp, color, wraps. VF. This is the first art book devoted to Chinese comic artist and illustrator Benjamin (artist-writer of Orange, Remember, and One Day). A large 9.5" x 12.5" format book filled with Benjamin's painterly digital illustrations of contemporary Chinese youth culture, some never before published, as well as prelims, drawings, and sketches. Text in French.
The Arthur de Pins artbook, which has a terrific following now (we debuted this book at WonderCon 2008).
Arthur De Pins. ARTHUR DE PINS ARTBOOK. [SN25566X] $40
Paris: Fluide Glacial, 2007. Small 4to (9-11"), 110pp, color, wraps. VF. The first monograph on this French comic creator, animator, designer, and commercial illustrator. De Pins colorful illustrations appear in magazines and ads, on book covers and websites. His specialty is sexy cherubic urban men and women. This book is an excellent overview of his work in all media: cartoons, comic strips, illustrations, character designs. Text in French. For adults only.
We also have the vol 3 of his PECHES MIGNONS album series.

In the pic above, you can see the artbook table corner, the wooden bookshelves with the out-of-print books, and the racks and grids along the back wall of our booth.
And here's my favorite selection from the new French arrivals:
MON CHAT À MOI. [SN25532X] $28
Paris: Delcourt, 2008 . 4to (11-13"), color, pictorial boards. VF. Text in French.
(various French artists contribute cartoons of the own cat... pic coming soon)
We really lucked out with the weather in San Francisco. There was some rain, but it came in waves and all the times that we were out and about moving items we had clear skies. On Saturday the skies were blue and beautiful. Since Rae was able to help hold the fort, I was able to go out for a walk and bring back some lunch.
We had helpers stopping by on Saturday, and for load-out on Sunday afternoon. Special thanks to our friends Dave, Justin, and Eric, and Stuart's cousins (friends and family again, getting us through it).
So, from those of us who barely made it there.... many thanks to all of you who stopped by our booth. For those who couldn't make it to the con, I hope these pics and the story give you a sense of the excitement and adventure of SNB at the Con.