Okay.. this shouldn't be a big deal .. but tiny hedgehog here celebrates all victories large and small.
First up .. artist Marguerite Sauvage for her work on DC Comics Bombshells.
(UPDATE 12.23.20) link for this 2017 article in Newsarama is no longer active... but I'm leaving the quote here)
"I didn't want them to look like super-sexy pin-ups in their everyday life, but rather like the warriors and heroes they are, fighting with their everyday thoughts and concerns, reflecting more and more the serious and intense heaviness of the World War II conflict," Sauvage said.
And via another great gal-driven project... Madeleine Holly-Rosing's steampunk comic Boston Metaphysical Society...http://bostonmetaphysicalsociety.com/
UPDATE 7.9.16
More on Madeleine and her latest books in this Author Spotlight on the Book Lemur page
Madeleine's facebook page shared this link for interview with cartoonist Natalie Naurigat...from the "Hire This Woman" feature on Comics Alliance...
from the intro...Hire This Woman is a recurring feature on ComicsAlliance that shines a spotlight on female comics creators, whether they’re relative newcomers or experienced pros who are ready to break out. In an overwhelmingly male business, we want to draw your attention to these creators — and to raise their profile with editors and industry gatekeepers.
Busy cartoonist Natalie Nourigat has worked on Deadpool, Bee & PuppyCat, It Girl & the Atomics, and many of her own projects including the webcomic Home Is Where The Internet Is. She’s also worked as a storyboard and commercial artist. She’s currently working on a graphic novel for Oni Press called Over the Surface.
Here is the link: http://comicsalliance.com/natalie-nourigat-hire-this-woman/
Amy Commentary...
Comics is not the only area where the contributions by any-other-than-white-guys are under served. Panel I attended at SDCC covered some of this .. and the impact of social media .. like this blog you are reading now.. in giving a voice to an always present... but previously voiceless.. market segment.
Would be interesting to attend GeekyCon ... comic convention from a refreshing gal-powered POV..
Interview with founder Melissa Anelli in this Buzzfeed post. http://www.buzzfeed.com/daniellehenderson/can-geekycons-founder-change-fandom-for-the-better?utm_term=.ojX8Dn3YGK#.afRlYxaLJ
GeekyCon website...http://www.geekycon.com/
Recent post on Facebook page for National Women's History Museum (Note the comment about CAVE PAINTING !!! This book is from the 1970s.. and we've made tiny steps since then, but still long way to go...) ...https://www.facebook.com/womenshistory
#DidYouKnow that in the 1970s, Margaret Conkey (pictured), Joan Gero, and Janet Spector revolutionized American archaeological theory? They argued that current theories projected modern Western gender roles onto past cultures where they may not have existed. By attributing things like tool-making and cave painting solely to men based on no archaeological or anthropological evidence, they pointed out, archaeologists were breaking the cardinal role of archaeology and anthropology: that different cultures must be understood within their own context only. The theory, referred to as feminist archaeology or more broadly as gender archaeology, is still used today. (Pictured: Margaret Conkey & a book she co-wrote with Joan Gero: Engendering Archaelogy)
link for book: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0631175016,subjectCd-GE10.html
And it's not just in the arts.... Gender bias is robbing us of talent in STEM fields too.
From article by Rachel Thomas on website Medium.com
When researcher Kieran Snyder interviewed 716 women who left tech after an average tenure of 7 years, almost all of them said they liked the work itself, but cited discriminatory environments as their main reason for leaving. In NSF-funded research, Nadya Fouad surveyed 5,300 women who had earned engineering degrees (of all types) over the last 50 years, and only 38% of them are still working as engineers. Souyad summarized her findings on why they leave with “It’s the climate, stupid!”
On the watch... always .... because we are stronger together.. as equals..not objects...