The Printing Museum Invites You
to Come Celebrate…
Ben Franklin’s
Electric Birthday!
Saturday Jan 14th 2012
from 10AM to 4PM
Come celebrate our Founding Father Ben Franklin’s Birthday at the Museum! Join the festivities with cake, punch and more. Activities will be going on all day including making your own Almanac “the 18th century way” and hand printing your own Colonial keepsakes using our antique type and printing presses.
Special Presentations include:
11:00 AM – The Inventive Dr. Franklin (Family Version). Family show recommended for all ages.
1:00 PM – The Inventive Dr. Franklin (Adult Version) including a symposium at 2:15: “Ben & Me” – An actor’s view of Franklin and his time with Phil Soinski (AKA – Ben Franklin). Adult show recommended for
15 or above in age.