Friday, July 14, 2023

SNB at SDCC 2023 (1 of 3) -- getting ready

 Stuart will be exhibiting at SDCC -- booth 5012. With the actors on strike, there will be no in person appearance by them to promote films etc. These film panels have always been a big draw for attendees. Without these attractions.. perhaps this year more attendees will check out the many wonderful booths and tables at the exhibition hall, artists alley and small press. 

This is Stuart's photo of a recent pallet delivery of books..

Stuart's recent email newsletter including this milestone reminder...

"I turned 60 this week. And in April of this year, my stent turned 5!

“The hormone cortisol is released in response to stress. Studies suggest that the high levels of cortisol from long-term stress can increase blood cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure. These are common risk factors for heart disease. This stress can also cause changes that promote the buildup of plaque deposits in the arteries.”

It was plaque buildup that led in 2018 to a 95% blockage of the blood flow in my left anterior descending artery (LAD) which could have led to a massive heart attack.

I was lucky and we caught it before the widowmaker caught me!

It's a challenge, but be mindful, avoid stress, maintain good habits, and stay healthy."

Stuart's email newsletter also had his tribute to longtime friend and colleague Jim Vadeboncoeur Jr.

"My good friend and bookselling mentor Jim Vadeboncoeur Jr. passed away last week. He was known for his comic book scholarship, as a publisher—of fanzines, books, and the magazine Images—and as an illustration fan and historian. He was also the managing partner of Bud Plant Illustrated Books which is how I met him and got to know him, first as a customer, and then as a book scout, and he encouraged me in 1997 when I was considering becoming a bookseller full-time. He was quite a guy."

This Tripwire link has a tribut to Jim as well.

Here are some photos of Jim from Jim's Facebook page.

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