Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Lightbox Expo 2021 (4 of 5) -- Around Artist Alley

 For 2021, Lightbox Expo expanded to additional days. Between panels and programming, there was always lots to explore in the virtual artist alley.

I took lots of photos of my computer screen as I "wandered" around the asiles. It was very interesting to see all the differnt ways artists presented themselves in their booth space. Which images they selected. How they used the interactive links.

There were also various studios with booths. As well as other industry related companies and vendors.

In this post, I've included a variey of screen shots to give you a sense of the artist alley area, asiles and booths.

There were "overhead" banners with the asile numbers... but I never was able to find the booth numbers. Maybe an error on my side, but it both made me wander around a bit more and see things.. and frustrated me a bit as it made it harder to get back to booths for return visits.

You can click on the individual images to enlarge them...

Check out how some of the artists design their booth space to highlight their interactive features..

While others use the booth like a portfolio and present images.
There's lots to learn by seeing all the ways the artists and vendors made use of their spaces.

The vitural artist alley is something I hope Lightbox Expo can continue to offer. It gives a worldwide audience access to the fantastic talent this show attracts.

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