Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Lightbox Expo 2023 4 of 5 -- Fri and Sat (updated 11.1.23)

First day Friday featured sell-out attendee crowds! A friend calls @lightboxexpo the "hug fest" convention -- and it's true. All around you'll see people enthusiastic to see each other, support each other, and be together. 

This @lightboxexpo you tube video summary of day one... 

...shows Peter de Seve at his booth on Friday. The 2 photos below are screen grabs from the video above. Book sales by SNB and staffed by friends of Stuart and the store.

Some lucky attendees got to see when Mike Mignola stopped by to visit Peter on Friday.

We were all lucky to have help at Peter's booth on Friday from LBX panel moderator and artist Mia Araujo. https://www.art-by-mia.com/
She took time out from her busy schedule to help with sales support. Colleagues like these allow Stuart to extend his high level of customer service even when our usual staff can't be all the places needed at conventions. Helping artists and making connections is a hallmark of the SNB brand. 
Helping artists and making connections is a hallmark of the SNB brand. (photo below courtesy of Mia).
A bonus for all the SNB staff and fans is knowing so many artists will visit the booth. Shopping for books. Chatting with peers. Sometimes even helping out... 

First day Friday was a busy day at SNB booth 122 as well...

There was a special at this show for purchases of books by 3dtotal Publishing...

The special offer was first announced in Stuart's weekly email newsletter

Samples of the promotional offer materials in pic below..

This special will continue (while supplies last) for in-person patrons who visit the SNB store in Torrance.
Stuart is a familiar sight working at the booth...

I didn't get to spend much time at the Expo on Saturday. But here are some photos from that day as well...

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