Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Indie art life is a marathon. Pace yourself. Promote your artWORK.

Make art once. Monetize it forever. Never underestimate the value of your IP. Engage your followers. Educate them and invite them to support the art they "like" and "share"

Social media thrives on image sharing -- making millions for companies. Where is the credit and compensation for artists??

Know what your art is worth. It costs you to post "free" art. Put your name and social media links on your art. Don't settle for "likes" and "shares." Like the myth of "valuable" exposure, they don't pay the bills. If your art is being "liked" and shared -- it is valued. This earns you credit and compensation.

Online art is possible thanks to the time, talent, experience and materials costs borne by the content creators. Indie artists need to include links to their websites and pay platforms. If you just post "free" art all the time, you harm yourself and your fellow indie artists.

 Educate your followers. An educated, engaged fan base will fight for your rights because they understand the connection between what they value and enjoy and protecting your IP.

Watch for burnout. Practice good self-care.

Share your "About Us" story. Have a mission statement.  Link below will take you to page for outstanding example of this on "Champions of the Track" website. The linked page helps educate fans and connect them to the content creator and her cause.

Photo below of  "Champions of the Track" content creator Kaeli with race horse Rachel Alexandra

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