Thursday, April 2, 2015

Yoga for Artists -- Introduction, Art requires Flexibility

ART is physical activity. 

 You live in your body -- and you need it in good shape to do your work.

We are all athletes at our jobs. We can't just urge the jocks to embrace their sensitive side. Us non-jocks need physical conditioning too :). The connection becomes obvious when artists talk about their chronic back, shoulder, neck and wrist pain.
 "Things happen for a reason"  isn't just a cliche -- it's also a way to understand our symptoms and interests. I had an epiphany about this a while back.. regarding my obsession with show jumping...
Yes, it's the horses -- but WHY this particular facet of horsemanship. In all the years that I rode, I stayed on the flat. Jumping was too risky for my tastes. The obsession comes from the images .... the beautiful metaphor for the effort it takes to overcome obstacles: Teamwork; Communication; Trust; and Practice, practice, practice....
Finding the courage to meet the challenge
and erase doubt with confidence...
Watch this example of rider Jessica Springsteen giving horse Lisona the pep talk before taking on a 6'10" jump in this You Tube clip of their winning round at the 2014 Puissance (high jump competition) at Washington Intl Horse Show.

The BEST artists I know struggle with  fear and anxiety that comes along with their creative process. On the Internet.. there are many photos of show jumpers along with quotes about trying to find balance with fear.
Balance is a key component of horsemanship -- you cannot ride well until your learn to find balance with your horse...
Being out of balance makes it impossible to clear the obstacles..
Successful riding is centered riding. The saddles, bridles and reins are just aids. In the photo below, a buckle has failed and the headstall of the bridle as slipped off the horse. Good riders don't panic....
 centered riding keeps you on course.

It's a balancing act to perform well in all the facets of  life ... that's the golden goal at the end of the rainbow. How can we get there???
Art and sport take practice. You don't get good overnight -- and you don't get better if you never try. Our bodies hurt because we are causing discomfort due to daily tasks we require our bodies to perform, while ignoring the strain these same tasks impose.  
Yoga is a way to practice being good to your body -- thanking it for the work it does for you, so you can continue to do your job in the world...

The question is -- WHAT are you practicing???

For too many of us .. our daily practice involves motions and poses that are actually HARMFUL over time. Decades of  workplace progress has replaced manual labor with automation and technology. But... desk work has turned "sitting" into the new "smoking." Everyone did for for so long, until we began to realize it was killing us.

The good news is .. there are lots of options to bring BALANCE to your daily practice.

If you are an artist -- or doing any job where you are standing or sitting for a long period of time, doing repetitive tasks ---  guess what??? You are practicing. Your on-going, daily practice of static poses and repetitive motions puts stress on your body. 
We can't escape the connection between the creative spirit and the physical self. 
We need to honor it. UNDO the harm imposed by culture and habits. Healing starts when we practice stretches and positions that release the tension from our necessary daily tasks. If you choose to ignore this option -- over time, your body will collapse from the strain.  This collapse could be physical -- from aches and pains, to more severe complications that require treatment such as physical therapy, medication or even surgery. If you decide to "power through" it ... you risk other damage as well...
Work that is repetitive or restricts your mobility keeping you at "desk work" for hours on end puts you in danger. Extended sitting, staying hunched over keyboards or sketch pads, these poses are silent threats to your productivity and well-being. Your aching back and shoulders are a warning. Ignoring the physical needs of the body you depend can trigger a breakdown: Physical; Emotional; Artistic; Spiritual. Damage in one area can launch a cycle of creative failures .. or worse..
Sometimes breakdowns in the journey can't be avoided -- but isn't it worth at least maintaining the wellness you have now, and perhaps even improving it? If you would advise a friend to make the effort, then be that friend for yourself too. Try some preventative steps to help keep yourself get back in balance to keep going strong and healthy....
Also ... art may be ageless .. but our bodies aren't. Loss of mobility means loss of ability and independence. Maintaining mobility takes strength and flexibility. If you are worn out, stiff and tired now .. how do you think you'll feel in 10, 20, or more years?? Most self-employed folks don't have a golden parachute retirement option. If you've got to count on yourself for the quality of life of your future years, make the good effort today to keep those years active (and cheaper)...
(art above by Roz Chast.. from her amazing book: "Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?") 
Marathon-runner Peggy used to remind me that we can't complain about getting older: not everyone gets that privilege. For most of us, milestone birthdays that seem decades away are coming. And they keep coming. They are relentless. We HAVE to be in shape for the future. It's never too late to start....

The Yoga Lessons here on the blog will focus on stretches you can do at your desk with minimal or no special equipment. These lessons feature photos and video clips from yoga workshops held at SNB with certified Yoga instructor Simone. Help remedy for your aching back and shoulders! Try some easy exercises...

Will also be posting helpful links to sites with exercises to try... here's one for wrists --- "Preventing and Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"

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